Wednesday, August 11, 2010

How did a fibromyalgic insomiac end up in a place like this?

It's difficult for me to express my journey from fat to flab. It started almost two years ago while I was on a week long cruise. Here I was surrounded by food. It was available 24/7, and yet I lost five pounds that week.
It all started with one good decision. Instead of feasting on the cornucopia of the neverending buffet line, my family wisely decided to eat in the dining room only. Although we could eat an eight-course meal if we chose, the portions were small and managable. I ate all I wanted, but I never felt bloated or stuffed at the end of the evening. They also served the meal slowly, giving us enough time to digest in-between dishes.
We also walked a lot during that week. The ship was huge and I know we covered miles and miles each day trying to get from here to there. Ironically, by the time I disembarked from this magical vacation I was already feeling better. It wasn't until I got home and stepped on the scale that I realized my body had actually dropped the pounds.
This may not seem like much to the average person, but as a fibromyalgic suffering from severe insomnia, it was a huge milestone. I had gained five pounds each year after my diagnosis and it seemed hopeless to loose any weight. The cruise, however, made me realize that if I could cut my calorie intake and move a little, perhaps I stood a chance of losing some unwanted weight.
It was a small step. One in a million little ones that I would take until this day.
And, it worked.

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